
Oct 22 14:36
Oct 21 15:28
Oct 15 17:50
Oct 15 17:50
Oct 15 17:50
Aug 10 13:40
Apr 25 01:43
Sep 22 00:58
Apr 18 16:14
Sep 17 22:01
Oct 15 18:53
Oct 20 16:23
Jul 3 08:19
Jan 9 09:19
Mar 4 19:23

Experience level

Expert 5
Expert 6

The level of training

Армейский жим стоя
Жим штанги лежа
Приседания со штангой
Становая тяга со штангой классическая

Fullbody routine for beginners (M / F)
Mass Gain

Debutant! Do you know that our sport is many-sided and all-powerful? With whatever goals you have addressed to him, they will be achieved. You just need to stick to the chosen strategy and you have it - a well thought-out FULLBODY-complex for 1 month of training will prepare you for real power test

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